Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and well researched detoxifier. It is a sticky molecule that binds to toxins to escort them from the body. New research suggests it is also important for the immune system. Glutathione is found primarily in fresh whole foods: raw fruits and vegetables, raw meats and fresh milk. Unfortunately even milk […]
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Lauren - Interesting information – I am surprised Tylenol is still on the market with all the negative things I keep reading about it.
journeytocrunchville - Great post, thanks
Anonymous - I so agree with you! I have a wheat/gluten intolerance and I also have to follow a low glycemic diet as well. Very hard to combine the both. I also find it interesting that children with autism react very well with a gluten free diet. I have started to give my family raw foods with our meals. Keep up the good work and spreading the news!
Jen from pa
Healthy Mom - Thank you for this post.
My child has done well with behavior modification and some diet changes, but this info helps as well.