This is a recipe for homemade mayonnaise free of gluten, casein and soy. My kids are super healthy since we went gluten free. I can’t remember the last time they were sick so I feel comfortable giving them a little raw egg here and there. These days I am more worried about the chemicals in […]

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Q: I have SUCH a similar story with my 15 month old who lost the ability to speak, wave, blow kisses, etc. He has just started with a DAN! doctor and I’m hoping for good results. I put him on the GFCF diet one month ago and I haven’t seen results. If anything, he’s become […]

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  • Therapy Mom - Excellent post! Ours ended up being soy and oats after being tested! We do eat gluten and casein, but limited. I have seen great improvements! Yeast can also run rampant and wreck havoc on the gut! We keep it and sugar low too!
    Thanks for your wise words in response to her question. There are SO many kids and parents that will be helped by your response!

  • Anonymous - In our experience with our son, there is also a ‘withdrawl’ period when going off of Casein and Gluten. This could last up to 6 weeks as the body is craving these proteins. Our bodies often crave what is the worst for us. My son had a terrible time coming off of these foods.ReplyCancel

  • Heidi - I agree with anonymous, I myself did the GF, CF and Yeast free diet for 6 months with my child so I could know what it felt like and the first month was so awful I felt like I was going through drug withdrawal but after about a month I started to feel really good and then in the coming months better than I ever felt in my life. The withdrawal period is hard and probably why you think your child is worse now. It will get better if you stick with it.ReplyCancel

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