By Catherine This is a reprint of a post on a yahoo group which contains important information about a question a mother had about a dark grit in the stool that was fine, sand like and sticky. The grit seemed to be present when the child was eating yogurt on the SCD diet. Kathleen – […]

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Dr. Stuart Freedenfeld practices integrative medicine in New Jersey and has a comprehensive lecture on avoiding environmental toxins I have seen twice, but he also has a great overview of ADD/ADHD and the Biologic Causes and Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments. In it he discusses treatment options including B12 and Folic Acid (methylcobalamin and methyltetrahydrofolate) and says ” […]

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My blog didn’t win the Martha Stewart blog contest, but I got a beautiful picture with Martha when I visited the Martha Stewart show last month with The Gourmet Club! Martha was really nice when the camera was rolling and when it wasn’t. Not just to our group, but to the entire audience. After taping […]

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  • Territory Mom - I love your soapbox, but I also like the “Fun Friday” idea. I’ve learned so much from your posts. I have a sensory child and we’re working on a healthier lifestyle. As for our Fun Friday we are going to check out a new school. I hope it will be fun.

    Territory Mom
    P.S.: I’m a hit and miss blogger
    myself. http://www.oklahome.blogspot.comReplyCancel

  • Our Family Is His - I know this is totally OT on the Martha topic (by the way, cool event in your life!!), but I wanted to thank you for your blog. You have really inspired me. My son has Autism and all the “lovely” things that go with it (sensory, speech, severe weak muscle tone, etc). We started with the GFCF diet and are already seeing some symptom improvement. This will be his final day of anything gluten at all (he has had only a smidge). Tomorrow is day one of his first full week with no G or C. He’s been off C for quite a while now.

    Also, thank you for your vaccine talks. Tomorrow will be the first time we discuss our new choice to stop vaxing the boys with our doctor. I know he’s not keen on people doing that, but will allow me to work with our own decision on that issue (have another non-vaxing friend that uses him). I just hate to put it out there and dael with the questions and looks that we will get. I am also nervous to NOT put those meds in my son’s body. I can admit that. I am big enough to admit it scares me to death. But the Autism scares me too and my 9 month old is already on the spectrum. We can’t risk it. We just can’t. Not with a 3 year old that has ASD.

    So, thank you. Thank you for speaking out.ReplyCancel

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