“Do you know of any slow cookers that are made without aluminum or teflon” is a question I have been asked repeatedly over the years. It took me a while to find a non-toxic slow cookeer, but the VitaClay VM790 Smart Organic Multi-Cooker/Rice Cooker made from from brushed stainless steel with a unglazed clay pot looks like the the best slow cooker out there. Not only does it do everything a slow cooker does, but it also can be used to make yoghurt or coconut yogurt.
I haven’t bought one (yet!) I would have to make room and somehow part with one of our other electronic appliances. Perhaps I should give away our hardly used cotton candy machine to make room for this slow cooker! Another review (and photos!) to follow when I get my hands on a VitaClay VM790 Smart Organic Multi-Cooker!
kathy - How is it working for you? I looked it up on Amazon and it says that they aren't selling it directly because of complaints about it but it's being sold by third party sellers. The reviews on it are pretty bad, some are saying it burns you when using it and some say it stops working after a few times. Have you had any problems with it yet?
kirboncher@me.com - Hi Kathy!
I don't actually own a VitaClay slow cooker. I just wanted to get the information to people who are looking for a non toxic slow cooker. I will let you know when I get mine what I think of it.
Thanks for the info. I will take a look at the reviews.