Other than my inability to tie a tie for my son’s formal uniform day–the beginning of school has gone well. (I’m knocking on wood as I write this–as I always do when I say anything positive.) I have one child in third grade at a new K-8 school and another child who just started 8th grade which upper school.
It was my daughter’s idea to make a calendar on her wall with sticky tape, but after we made her a calendar I realized that I’m the one who really needed a wall calendar to keep track of everything. After looking around, I finally decided to put my wall calendar on an underutilized round wall in my kitchen that I walk by a hundred times a day on my way to my office where my computer is.
For families who have kids with allergies being organized is super important because food is involved in so many events. A large calendar is a great way to keep track of everything. Events that need extra thought or food preparation can be starred or highlighted.
Here is a link to a calendar you can make with vinyl washi tape that is just like the one we made!
In case you need something more portable, here is a link to my favorite AT-A-GLANCE FASHION MONTHLY PLANNER which goes from July to July a second AT-A-GLANCE academic monthly planner which is a January to December Calendar.
Happy Back to school everyone! (And make sure to put apple picking on your calendar if you have apple picking in your area!)