It is hard to believe that I am so excited for an “escape” from my life
with allergies by going to a conference about My Life with Allergies!
But I truly can’t wait and I look forward to seeing you there if you can
make it! You can find me around the My Life with Allergies area (in the
purple shirt!)
Living Without is having a Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest in San Diego May 3rd and 4th to celebrate living well with food allergies. If you want to join me book at ticket at the GF Food Allergy Fest site.
There will be amazing speakers and vendors and food to sample–all geared toward people who are gluten-free. You can find the long list of companies who are attending on the Exhibitors at the San Diego page.
The following My Life with Allergies contributors will also be at the event. If you can’t go to the conference check out their blogs and their posts on My Life with Food Allergies.
Erica – Celiac and the Beast
Lauren – Oatmeal with a Fork
Sarah – Fit Betty
Here are a few of the the writers, authors and Living Without contributors who will be in San Diego:
Alicia Woodward, the editor-in-chief of Living Without
Laura Russell speaking about “Identifying Gluten in Common Asian Ingredients.”
Anne Lee, the Director of Nutritional Services for Schar USA
Dr. Tom O’Bryan, speaker and workshop leader specializing in complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity