Dr. Martha Herbert. Pediatric Neurologist. Harvard.

Today is National Autism Awareness Day.

Dr. Martha Herbert.
Pediatric Neurologist.

This video was sent to me by Julie Mathews in her Nourishing Hope News Autism Awareness Day 2012 newsletter.

Dr. Martha Herbert says in the interview…

“People with autism get better. Some of them somewhat better and some of them actually lose their diagnosis.”

“Diet is big because it triggers the immune system and also because it supplies the ingredients for our cells.”

“Reducing as much as you can toxic exposures is another thing.” Including “High nutrient density food. Fruits and vegetables. The rainbow diet. Every color of the rainbow in your diet. That is going to give the body the ingredients it needs to start fixing things.”

“The gray zone is huge–ear infections, colic. If you are breastfeeding take out the common allergens”

“Watch out for cleaning products.”

Dr. Martha Herbert just wrote a book called “The Autism Revolution: Whole Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be.” She is the keynote speaker at Julie Mathew’s event Nourishing Hope for Children in Boston on Sunday, April 15th, 2012. She can also be seen at The Autism Research Institute Conference on Saturday, April 28th, 2012.

Sadly, not everyone gets better through diet. According to the story–there is not good data on dietary intervention–but it seems to work 20% of the time. With the new 1 in 88 rate just published by the CDC letting people know that diet works for some is important news worth sharing on Autism Awareness Day.

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