Kale “Pasta” Recipe

Of course, kale “pasta” doesn’t taste like pasta. But for people who are avoiding carbs or grains or gluten, putting spaghetti and meatballs or their favorite pasta sauce on a bed of kale, actually makes for quite a tasty and satisfying (and healthy!) dinner.

I actually cook a few bunches of kale once a week to have on hand throughout the week and use in omelets, as a side with dinner or lunch or even as a bed of greens for a pasta sauce. This is also a great pasta substitute for people who are on the Atkins diet.

Kale “Pasta” Recipe

Fill large pot of water 1/2 full of water and bring to a boil. Add a teaspoon of salt or however much salt you would add to cook pasta.

Wash 1 or 2 bunches of kale in water. Kale is actually not that dirty, but it is good to rinse it or submerge it in a sink full of water.

Pile 3 leaves on top of one another and then roll them into a cylinder. This way you are cutting a tube of kale. It makes it a little easier than cutting the flat leaves. But you can also leave the leaves flat if that is easier.

Cut leaves into 1/4 inch strips. Place into bowl after cutting if you need to so that you have more room for cutting. Continue cutting until all the kale is in 1/4 inch strips.

Cook the strips of kale in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then drain and use as a base for tomato sauce as you would regular pasta.

This boiled kale is also amazing as a pizza “crust.” I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I don’t have enough Udi’s gluten free pizza crusts for everyone, so I let the kids have the pizza and I use kale as my “pizza” base and top with daiya cheese and turkey pepperoni and serve with oregano, red pepper flakes and garlic salt.

(Disclaimer: My kids don’t eat boiled kale–although my five year old will eat kale chips. This is more WhatToFeedYourSelf than WhatToFeedYourKids!)

Related posts:
A Celebratory Bowl of Kale
Pasta with Kale, Raisins and Toasted Pine Nuts

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