This Thursday: Workshop on Implementing a Gluten Free Diet

Alternative Nutrition Series for Children
Part 1: Workshop on Implementing a Gluten Free Diet

Thursday, March 3, 2010
10 am-12:30 pm

Sinergia • 2082 Lexington Ave. – 4th Floor, New York, NY 10035, Tel 212.643.2840

I will be speaking at Sinergia in East Harlem on Gluten Free Diets for Children with Developmental Issues. The workshop includes information about cooking gluten free food for kids and how to make your family recipes gluten free as well as information about different health issues that can be helped by implementing a gluten free diet. This is part 1 of a 3 part series to really help parents make changes in their children’s diets with specific foods they can change to. Information in this lecture can also help parents who just want to expand their children’s diets to be more varied. The other dates for this series can be found at What To Feed Your Kids In Person.

To register for the FREE workshop, please call Gina Peña-Campodonico at 212 643-2840, ext. 305 or by e-mail at

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