The article: “Surprise Ingredients in Fast Food” I found at NaturalNews really opened my mind to how bad processed food is for developing children and how most processed food contains “six ingredients commonly used to hide free glutamate (MSG): calcium caseinate, hydrolyzed corn, yeast extract, soy protein isolate, spices, and natural flavors.”
“MSG-Hidden Sources” on NaturoDoc also gives a thorough explanation of how MSG is hidden in most processed food. According to the article: “Manufacturers also hide MSG as part of “natural flavorings,” because it is a natural product. But being natural is not the same as being harmless.
For snacks, we try to have fruit, nuts, homemade cookies, homemade muffins, rice cakes, Organic Kettle potato chips, corn chips or organic popcorn which have three ingredients (organic potatoes, safflower or sunflower oil and salt) and are clearly labeled NO MSG, NO TRANSFATS, NO ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING.