When going gluten free, many kids miss granola bars that are easy to pack for snack and lunch. Here are some gluten free alternatives to try. I would suggest trying to find them at Whole Foods or a health food store nearby before you commit to a case. If you can’t find them and order […]
Naomi Hazel Brice - Larabars are also gluten free (and soy and dairy free, kosher, vegan…). They include six or fewer (raw) ingredients, but they do include nuts so my daughter can’t take them to school. We’re not on a gluten-free diet, we just like these bars.
Our Family Is His - Another thing about Whole Foods is that if you don’t like it, you can bring the open container back for a refund.
chimachine4 - I keep them in my desk drawer at work and eat them for breakfast or if I just need a snack. I have fibromyalgia and back and neck problems so my muscles are very sore almost all the time. Finally, chi machine had served the purpose. Try it once.