I have spent the last two years reading labels to determine if a product contains gluten or not. Although I am sure about the many items I use repeatedly, when I encounter a new product, it takes a lot of effort to comb through the ingredient label to decipher whether it is okay. Often, I […]
Shalini - This link will save all the time in the world I spend on searching for not just gluten free food products but "good" gluten free products.
I trust you have done a great deal of good service to a lot of people struggling with special diets. I thank you for it.
Gina - Thank you for your quick reply to my question and the data you have collected and posted for all Moms in need!
Tia Smith - This would be great as I try to be gluten light, but don't need to be so this service would be great for myself and for the children I work with! Thanks for all the help!
Our Family Is His - Well you had to know I would sign up to win this one.
Lisa - I just found out my four year old is gluten sensitive so the whole family is going gluten/casein free. I spent 2 hours in the grocery store today checking labels. This would save me so much time.