Mimiccreme Beverage–Not My Favorite Milk Substitute

“If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all” is generally my policy when reviewing gluten free food. If something is gluten free and not that good I try to mostly refrain from saying so because I don’t want to put a company under that might be having a bad day. Also, others might like and depend on a product and I don’t want to play a part in a particular gluten free food not being available to people who like the product. In the case of Mimiccreme, which I purchased on Amazon in bulk after reading about it on Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom, I have to override my policy of not posting negative reviews.

Mimiccreme, an almond/cashew milk beverage which is both gluten free and dairy free is really not a good milk or cream substitute. Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom used it to make chocolate pudding, so maybe the chocolate flavor masked the off taste of the “creme” product. I ordered the almond/cashew creme product because in theory an almond/creme blend would be amazing. Cashews give any product a wonderful buttery flavor and fresh almond milk is wonderful. Which is why I ordered four boxes of this product without ever trying it. How disappointing to find that it had a terrible glue like consistency and off taste. I couldn’t drink more than a few sips of it. My sister said “You need to tell them it is inedible” after reading this review. My kids don’t seem to mind the taste of Mimiccreme as milk in Envirocrisp Kaola Krisp cereal because the sweetness of the cereal disguises the off taste of the milk so we are using up the four cartons we have of it.

“It’s not my favorite” is what I have taught my kids to say when they hate something but don’t want to offend anyone who might like something. And in that spirit, I would say Mimiccreme is not my favorite. I prefer the taste of homemade almond milk, Almond Breeze, or So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage to Mimiccreme. Even straight coconut milk watered down is a better choice for our family.

Please share your “NOT MY FAVORITE” products by leaving a comment below.

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  • Tanya - I have to agree. Mimic Creme is also not my favorite thing. But different strokes for different folks. I have heard lots of people say that they like it. The same holds true for Coconut Bliss ice cream. But I think it tastes rather hollow and has a not-so-pleasant aftertaste. When it comes to dairy- and gluten-free milk and ice cream alternatives, I guess I'm just a So Delicious girl.ReplyCancel

  • momnivore - We were big fans of So Delicious until my son developed an issue with coconut.

    I detest the GFWF waffles from Trader Joe's…and all of the GF mixes. Nasty, funky aftertaste…too much tapioca flour.

    On a happier note…we tried Tempt Chocolate Fudge hemp ice cream and it rocked.

    Enough to fool many dairy addicted members of my husband's extended family and my rather picky niece.

    Being GF is hard, but GFCFSF is a real pain in the glute.ReplyCancel

  • Heidi @adventuresofaglutenfreemom.com - Oh no, you didn't like the MimicCreme? I ALWAYS worry about that when I post reviews, I'm so sorry!!

    I had only used the MimicCreme in sweet dessert applications up until a couple days ago (the chocolate pudding recipes, for chocolate fondue and Vitamix ice cream). I made a cream gravy recently with the unsweetened MimicCreme and the results weren't as good. Even using the unsweetened version, the gravy was too sweet.

    I think you are correct, the chocolate probably masks any off taste it has (I have not tried it as a straight beverage).

    We did really like the MimicCreme Healthy Top whipped cream though and I only added some vanilla and a little bit of SUSTA natural sweetener.ReplyCancel

  • Jennybegood - It's too bad that you're not enjoying Mimiccreme as I've been purchasing this product for years, after I read about it in VegNews magazine. I have made countless recipes using their products. Everything from cream soups (with their Unsweetened version, which has no sugar at all) to ice cream (with their Sweetened version– just by adding pureed fruits). These products are not "milk beverages" and not meant to be sipped or drank straight because they are thick and creamy "CREAM" aternatives made to cook with and bake with. The Sweetened version reminds me of sweetened condensed milk and I made a great pumpkin pie with it. I think you should give them another try. Remember, they are CREAM ingredients, not milk beverages. I already have friends asking me if I'm going to be making my famous apple pie ice cream for cider season. I just use the Sweetened with smashed apples and pie spices! No funny tastes to be masking here.ReplyCancel

  • LakeMom - I just found this while searching for nutritional information on Mimiccreme. Unfortunately, it contains natural flavors, which makes it unsafe for people like me who are allergic to MSG. I am sort of glad to hear it is no good (isn't that snarky of me?). Thanks for the review.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - I have to say that I was overjoyed to have found MimicCreme. My mother is 98 and does not find many foods appetizing any more. One of her very few staples was Wolfgang Puck's Creamy Butternut Squash Soup. Unfortunately, a while back the Puck folks changed their recipe, resulting in WP's Signature Butternut Squash Soup. Mom said it no longer tasted good to her. As a last-ditch effort, we tried adding MimicCreme to the soup and voila! it tasted like the original recipe to Mom. This may not sound like a big deal, but it means so very much when you're trying to keep your elderly parent properly nourished when "nothing tastes good any more."ReplyCancel

  • gfcfmom - I am actually THRILLED to hear that you like Mimic Creme and I will retry it maybe in another recipe. Maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance and just tried to use it as cream. Maybe in recipes it works better. Thanks so much for letting me know that you like this product. I like hearing someone had a good experience and how they used it.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - I love MimicCreme´s unflavored coffee cream. I haven´t found anything that is non dairy and as creamy and yummy. The "natural flavors" are a concern however. But I would love to find something better to put in my tea and coffee.ReplyCancel

  • Okieplum - Different strokes for different folks. My source just disappeared and now I'm going to have to drive 40 miles round trip to buy the stuff and I'm very sorrowful. I use it in my coffee and cook with it all the time (the unsweetened kind). It's VERY hard to find a non-dairy, non-soy, non-sweet creamer of any sort, so Mimiccreme has been my standby. Guess I'll dust off the blender and try to make some.

  • Anonymous - I LOVE the stuff, especially in cream soups.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Well they are now out of business !

    Glad there is now one less vegan option!

    Lets try to be supportive of conscious companies they are competing with hormone induced food enhanced god knows what foods for taste and market shareReplyCancel

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