“All roads lead to Paleo” is an expression I love. Paleo is a prehistoric way of eating that cuts out modern food and returns to the food that was available to our paleolithic ancestors–lean meats, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts are included in this super simple eating plan. I say all roads lead to Paleo because there is something ideal about going Paleo and turning your back on modern processed food whenever possible. According to The Paleo Mom
“A paleolithic diet avoids all grains, legumes (including soy and peanuts), dairy (except maybe butter and heavy cream), modern vegetable oils (like safflower and canola), and processed foods.”
Our breakfasts and dinners are pretty paleo because the food that get sent to school includes chips and pretzels and typical kid fare. To offset school food we do more protein and fruit and veggies at breakfast and dinner. It is a nice balance that seems to work.