Oatmeal Jammers: A Gluten Free RAW Homemade Bar

Kelly, a friend who is a personal trainer, gave me this great RAW recipe for Oatmeal Jammers. It is super easy to make with only three ingredients: oatmeal, bananas and peanut butter. You can use another type of nut or seed butter like almond butter, cashew butter or sunbutter if you prefer to avoid peanuts. Also, you can mix in raisins or coconut or cocoa for variety.

1 banana
2 Tablespoons peanut butter
1 cup of gluten free oats
Mash the banana and peanut butter together. Add the oatmeal and stir together until it forms a dough. Put on a piece of plastic wrap and shape into a 2 inch by 2 inch by 7 inch bar. It should be a small roll (kind of like those cookies that you slice and bake.) Put the roll in the freezer for 3 house. Slice rounds off when you need a snack or a quick meal.

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