I discovered these delicious chocolate chip cookies by GLOW gluten free at a celiac event last year. For a long time they were the only cookies that my kids could eat that weren’t baked in my own kitchen. This is because Jill Brack, the creator, uses recipes created in her own kitchen for her gluten free family and supervises the whole production process. All GLOW cookies are gluten free, casein free, transfat free and preservative free. In addition the first ingredient in the cookies is garbanzo & fava bean flour. These melt in your mouth cookies are remarkably different from most gluten free cookies. Instead of sugar being the first ingredient, this protein packed flour comes first. But you would never know it because of her secret recipe. GLOW cookies also have more brown sugar than white sugar. (Surprisingly, my kids seem to do better with the brown sugar because it is less refined.)
GLOW Buy Some Gluten Free Cookies
My seven year old often requests GLOW cookies as they are identical to the chocolate chip cookies she remembers eating and they come in the cute retro packaging which includes a mad libs style back which make them super fun for kids. They are a perfect balance of a melt in your mouth store bought cookie like Tate’s or Mrs. Fields with ingredients you would find in homemade cookies. There are four delicious flavors: Double Chocolate, Snickerdoodle, Chocolate Chip and Gingersnap. The Snickerdoodle and Gingersnap are also soy free. Go to the Glow Gluten Free website to read about these delicious cookies and to find out where GLOW cookies are sold.
Lynna Kay - So sad they are not sold anywhere near me.
Would have loved to tried them out.
Lauren - These are the greatest cookies! A real family favorite. If you can’t find them in a store near you. Tell your favorite store about them and direct them to the website – hopefully they will listen!