sweetriot unBAR 65: The unofficial bar of Virgin America

I am on the plane to Los Angeles and I just had a gluten free, dairy free (and kosher!) unBAR 65, which was a delicious pick me up. It is not too sweet so it is satisfying and uplifting. Many candy bars have too much sugar and they leave you desperate for more and completely unsatisfied. But unBar is totally different. It is a chocolate treat that is more reminiscent of real chocolate you would find in a european chocolate store than any wrapped american treat. It seems both sweet and dark to me. Not at all bitter, like some dark chocolate.

I think it is cool that the unofficial bar of Virgin America is something people who are avoiding dairy and gluten can enjoy. It is the first time I have been on the plane and been able to buy a descent snack.

What makes me happiest about finding unBAR, is that it bodes well for my kids for the future when I am not hovering around baking cookies and packing homemade crackers.

Although not fairtrade certified yet, Sweetriot, the company that makes the unBAR is committed to using fairtrade farmers and to moving beyond fair trade to an equitably traded product which moves more value back into the poor nations in order to try to end poverty–a movement called Equitrade. I am always skeptical of marketing with a mission, but this seems like the real thing: Sweet riot seems to really be about making the world a better place–and delicious, nutritious chocolate packed full of antioxidants and minerals. You can read more about the health properties of chocolate on sweetriot’s Chocolate Health Facts page. To try the unBAR yourself, head to a Whole Foods or a retailer nearby.

Craving chocolate, by the way, is often the sign of a magnesium deficiency, because chocolate is full of magnesium. When you correct the deficiency, the craving often disappears and you can enjoy eating chocolate for it’s delicious, magical taste.

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