New Year’s Resolutions Wish List

I spent a lifetime making resolutions and one day I woke up happy and content with my self and gave up making resolutions. But I do try to have a New Year’s resolution for fun. Last year I tried to give up plastic which you can read about on my post Resolutions: Doing Better . I like to pick something specific and something health related. Something impossible but totally do able at the same time–if that makes any sense. Although it is already January 3rd, I don’t have an official New Year’s resolution. Instead I have a long list of things I would like to do in the coming year that might be of interest to other parents and people interested in cleaner living WITHOUT chemistry. There are several that I would love to make resolutions, except I think they are so hard for me that I am sure to fail! If I stick them on my wish list, maybe they will happen. Sometimes resolutions backfire but wishful thinking makes things come true. I guess, like my seven year old, I do better with less pressure.

-Make a weekly menu plan (This is so hard for me–maybe more realistic would be “make a menu plan one week a month”)
-Switch to an organic dry cleaner (This one will happen sooner rather than later.)
-Take my own vitamins (fish oil, D, calcium/mag) when I give my kids theirs!
-Upholster (i.e. staple) a cover on the bench at the bottom of my bed.
-Give some of the stuff we don’t need to charity on semi regular basis.
-Switch away from Murphy’s Oil Soap–the last mainstream cleaning product to a homemade version (sorry to my DH–mom knows best 😉 right?)

Please let me know what your New Year’s Resolution is or what is on your 2009 wish list! I will update you on my progress as the year goes by and see if any of these things on my wish list get done. I will also post on some of these to generate some momentum. Research always motivates me to change.

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  • Heather - I, like you, haven’t ever been really big on the resolutions- they always seemed to set me up for failure. But, I have “goals” this year-

    *Really go back to school this summer semester- I’ve been wanting to go back to school for a couple years now- but this is the year- I already have everything in place so there’s no reason not to!!

    *Stop spending on so many “extras”- we need to save to move to whatever school district we decide is best for Brian for kindergarten next year

    *Exercise- okay, this one is one that I failed on in years past, but I started doing so before the New Years and have been doing good so far. I’ve noticed such a big change in my activity level and mood and I want to keep it that way!ReplyCancel

  • Our Family Is His - I am not really a resolutions type person. I just vow to do better than I did the year before. I am cooking at home more (going out is a pain in the neck with my son’s issues, so it’s just easier now, especially now that DH got me my new set of cookware.).

    Finish “dechemicalizing” the house. Oh, homemade murphy’s, do share!!!

    Tweak our foods so they are less expensive but still just as healthy.

    Walk a closer walk with God.

    Be a better wife.

    Be a better mom.

    Be a better woman.ReplyCancel

  • kenya - My new years resolution is to only feed my family foods with ingrediants that my grandmother would recognize as food and to learn to make a yummy(un-brick-like) loaf of kefir based bread.ReplyCancel

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